New Printer – LIYU Platinum Q3-XL

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Meet the newest member of the team!

We're Investing for the future...

Those who read my blogs, you will be aware that we are moving to a new factory in the coming months and refurbishment is currently underway.

We are moving for a number of reasons, first of which is space, meaning we couldn’t increase our print capacity because we couldn’t fit a bigger machine in the building!

It’s been a year-long process to negotiate the purchase of the building, get the legals in place and make a decision on the printer we wanted.

Want to See Our New Factory ... Watch This!

We’ve added a video to our Instagram stories… Check it out here!


Faster Turnarounds and Higher quantity print...

We’re pretty tech savvie but when it comes to growing our production team and developing our apprentices, the LIYU Platinum Q3 ticks so many boxes.

Initial testing has shown that an 8×4 Correx board can be printed in around a minute and dibond in around 3 minutes (at sellable quality, not just firing it through a machine).

So, we are in a much better position to offer faster turnarounds and higher quantity print runs.

We’ve also tested some fabric, the colours are amazing and flexible with no bruising.

One of my first projects at our new factory will be standard-sized frames for SEG graphics allowing us to test standard sizes before dispatch.

Getting to know our new kit!

In Summary

In the coming months we will be inviting you and others to visit our new premises and see it all in the flesh.

Warm regards,
Richard McCombe
Managing Director, Graphic Warehouse

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