Unveiling the Whole Story: The Power of Sustainable Products - PVC Free Banner Material Benefits
In today’s world, where environmental consciousness is on the rise, this includes me. I must admit, over the years I have been a bit skeptical and probably cynical. For years we tried to introduce “greener large format printed products” but customers just we not biting, however, we are seeing a change in the tides.
What we have found it that consumers are drawn to products that claim to be eco-friendly, sustainable, and zero waste. Your customers put their trust in companies like yours that prioritise environmental protection. But are these claims genuine, or are we only hearing half the story? It’s time we demand the complete picture and ensure authenticity.
I’ve written this blog to explore the significance of understanding the true meaning behind terms like “recycled,” “eco-friendly,” and “sustainable.” We’ll dive into a ground-breaking case in the banner industry that sheds light on the environmental impact of different materials.
I really hope you find this interesting, as I think it is important that we have a clearer picture of how the PVC banner affects the environment but also how we can educate our customers to make informed decisions on making the switch from PVC to PVC-Free Banner material through our trade banner printing service.
This blog covers the following areas:
- The Importantance of Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)
- Are You Leading the Way in Sustainable Responsibility?
- The Expert – Steve Lister
- Environmental Impacts Unveiled
- The Urgency of Addressing Climate Change
- The Impending Water Crisis
- The Silent Serial Killer – Pollution
- The Menace of Polluted Particles
- Conclusion
The Importance of Life Cycle Analysis (LCA):
To understand the true environmental impact of a product, we must delve into its life cycle. Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) offers a comprehensive evaluation of key factors, including raw materials, production processes, distribution, and end-of-life disposal. LCA provides factual data, eliminating misleading claims and greenwashing that pervade the market. It’s a tool that enables businesses and consumers to make informed decisions based on reliable information.
Are You Leading the Way in Sustainable Responsibility?
In the banner industry, PVC-Free Banner Manufacturers have taken a pioneering steps toward sustainable responsibility. For example, Kavalan’s PVC-free banner materials underwent scientific assessments of their environmental impact, revealing a compelling truth. Comparative LCAs, conducted by leading testing and analysis company SGS in accordance with ISO 14040 and ISO 1444 standards, showcased Kavalan’s significant eco-savings compared to PVC banners. These results mark a remarkable industry first and establish Kavalan as a true leader in sustainable practices.
Steve Lister - Global Retail Sustainability Strategist
Steve Lister, a prominent figure in global retail sustainability and named one of the top 50 retail technology influencers in 2021, emphasizes the importance of LCA. He believes that businesses often resort to half-truths and greenwashing to make eco-friendly claims. However, LCA presents the facts and provides valuable data, enabling better decision-making. Lister supports initiatives that drive sustainability and advocates for transparency in measuring and comparing different materials.
Environmental Impacts Unveiled:
Apart from global warming, the LCA process exposes the detrimental effects of PVC film on air pollution, ecosystems, biodiversity, and resource scarcity. Freshwater consumption is also a significant concern, with PVC banner manufacturing using up to five times more freshwater than alternatives. It’s crucial for the banner industry to address this issue and minimize water usage.
The Urgency of Addressing Climate Change:
Despite years of climate negotiations, global temperatures continue to rise at an alarming rate. The surge in CO2 emissions and other greenhouse gases is directly linked to the rapid increase. However, individual efforts can have a significant impact.
“A switch to the Butterfly 360 Soft material over an area of 10,000 square meters can save the same amount of CO2 emitted during 13 single economy seats from New York to London.”
Source: Kavalan Tweet
The Impending Water Crisis:
Water scarcity is a pressing issue, with demand already outstripping supply. If current trends persist, water demand will exceed supply by 40% in just nine years. The consequences include higher mortality rates and increased tensions and conflicts globally. Transitioning to Kavalan’s materials can have an immediate positive effect on water consumption, potentially saving millions of litres of fresh water.
The Silent Serial Killer - Pollution:
While carcinogens in cigarettes are well-known for causing tobacco-related deaths and lung diseases, pollution from fossil fuels and by-products, including PVC banners, poses an even greater danger. This pollution leads to spikes in lung-related diseases and high mortality rates in polluted areas. Switching to sustainable materials like Spiderweb 300 can have a profound impact, equivalent to saving millions of lives.
The Menace of Polluted Particles:
PM 2.5 polluted particles (Fine Particles), smaller than the diameter of a human hair, can penetrate deep into internal organs, causing severe health issues. In 2019 alone, these particles were responsible for over four million deaths worldwide. As pollution levels continue to rise, this silent killer shows no mercy. However, adopting materials like Sunlight 260 can prevent fatal illnesses and protect vulnerable populations.
Reducing Fossil Fuel Dependency:
Despite efforts to reduce the environmental impact of fossil fuels, they still account for 80% of global energy use. However, by embracing alternatives like Sunlight Light Banners, we can save significant amounts of fossil fuel.
“A mere 10,000 square meters of this sustainable material would save enough energy to power a BMW 3 Series on 12 return journeys between London and Paris.”
Source: Kavalan Tweet
he time for half-truths and incomplete stories is over. As consumers, we have the power to demand transparency and authenticity from businesses. Through life cycle analysis and the emergence of sustainable alternatives like Kavalan’s materials, we can make informed choices that benefit both the environment and society.
We have many alternatives to PVC and it is best to speak to a real human about this...
Call us on 0330 380 0172
Take care everyone and I hope this was useful!

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